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Men’s Results

Mens President – Pat Lynch – Prize to Men

1st Nett –   Aidan Moran(20)  64 Nett

Gross Prize –  Evan Shipp (+2)  67 Gross

2nd Nett –  Gerry Morgan (22)  65 Nett (on Back 9)

2nd Gross –  Enda Brady (+2)  69 Gross

3rd Nett –  Paul O’Neill (20)   65 Nett

4th Nett – John McCabe (16)  66 Nett

5th Nett –  Vincent Cooney (18)  67 Nett

6th Nett – Christopher O’Reilly (35) 68 Nett (on Back 9)

Mens Committee – Stephen Carey (18) 68 Nett

Past Captains –     1st Peter Burns (14) 71 Nett

2nd Alf Martyn (11) 75 Nett

Junior Prize – Conor McCarthy (0) 76 (on back 9)


198 Entrants

Singles Stableford Championship Course 15th June 2024

Winner: Alan Curran (12)   41pts

Gross: Tadhg Burns (1)  38pts

Second: Adrian King (5) 39pts (on last 9)


49 Entrants

Women’s President (Marie Therese Lacy) Prize to Men 9th June 2024

1st Nett – David Stafford (34)   41 pts

Gross Prize – Evan Shipp  33pts Gross

2nd Nett – Stephen Tierney (8)  40pts

3rd Nett – Gary O’Dowd (23)   39pts (on last 9)


Cat 1 – Winner Sean Mulvey (4)   36pts (on last 9)

Category 1- 2nd – Aodhgan Cahill (3) 36pts


Cat 2 – Winner Donal Dunne (12)  36pts

Cat 2 – 2nd  Liam Treacy (13)   34pts (on last 9)


Cat 3 – Winner Ross O’Connell (16)  37pts

Cat 3 2nd – Colin Young(15)  37pts


Cat 4 – Winner – Sean Downey (20) 39pts (on last 9)

Cat 4 2nd – Stephen Carey (21) 39pts


Cat 5- Winner – Colm Lynch (22)  37pts

Cat 5 2nd – Gerard Maguire (22)  36pts (on last 9)

163 Entries

18 Hole Singles Stableford Championship Course 8th June 2024

Winner: Derek Crosby (15)  39pts

Gross: Evan Shipp (0)  38pts

Second: Patrick Dinan 37pts


42 Entries

Open Results this week:


18 Hole Singles Stableford Championship Course 20 – 22nd May 2024


Winner: Sean Olwell(28)   39pts

Second: Damian Hynes(18)   37pts (on last 9)

Gross: Colin Wilton (4)       33pts


18 Hole Singles Stableford Championship Course 24th May 2024


Winner: Sean Olwell(28)   37pts (on last 6)

Second: David Harney (14)  37pts

Gross: Brian Dunne (3)    32pts

PGA Tankard Old Course 26th May 2024

Winner: Kieran Walsh(20) 65 nett (on last 6)
Second: Alan McDonnell(28) 65 nett (on last 9)
Gross: Enda Brady (+2) 72 gross
Third: Damian Knox (21) 65 nett

Cat 1 (+2-9) Donal O’Hare (8) 73 nett (on last 6)
Cat 2 (10-13) Shane Brogan(11) 69 nett
Cat 3 (14-17) Brendan Fay (17) 69 nett
Cat 4 (18-20) Martin Weston(19) 71 nett
Cat 5 (21+) Eamon Falahee (23) 67 nett

Event was kindly sponsored by Brendan McGovern PGA Professional

117 Entrants

18 Hole Singles Stableford Championship Course 25th May 2024

Winner: Martin Sherry (19)   42 pts

Second: David Costello(10)  41pts

Gross: Darragh McKenna (2) 33pts

50 Entrants

18 Hole Singles Stableford Championship Course 19th May 2024

Winner: Stephen Woods (18)   40pts

Second: Stephen Carey (22)    39pts

Gross: Tadhg Burns (3)            34pts Gross


Cat 1 (0-10)  Stephen Tierney (8)   37pts

Cat 2 (11-15) Peter Gallagher (15) 37pts

Cat 3 (16-18) Shane Carthy (18)    38pts

Cat 4 (19-22) Eddie Mitchell (20)    38pts

Cat 5 (23-35) Martin Reilly (23)      35pts


128 Entrants

18 Hole Singles Stableford Championship Course 18th May 2024

Winner: Kyle McGuinness (9)   41pts

Second: Stephen Carolan (10) 40pts

Gross: Daniel Tully (7)              31pts (on last 9)


60 entrants

18 Hole Singles Stableford Championship Course 12th May 2024

Winner: Kenneth Smyth (13) 44pts
Second: Ciaran O’Rourke (27) 43pts
Gross: Evan Shipp (0) 33pts (on back 9)

Category 1 (0-10) Aidan Monaghan (8) 41pts (on back 9)
Category 2 (11-14) Conor McEvoy (11) 40pts
Category 3 (15-17) Ross O’Connell (17) 41pts
Category 4 (18-21) Brendan Quinn (18) 39pts
Category 5 (22-34) Paul O’Neill (23) 38pts

133 Entries